"A few well-designed movements, properly performed in a balanced sequence, are worth hours of doing sloppy calisthenics or forced contortion."                      Joe Pilates



“In 10 sessions you will feel the difference, in 20 you will see the difference, and in 30 you'll have a whole new body."Joe Pilates
“In 10 sessions you will feel the difference, in 20 you will see the difference, and in 30 you'll have a whole new body."Joe Pilates
“In 10 sessions you will feel the difference, in 20 you will see the difference, and in 30 you'll have a whole new body."Joe Pilates


“In 10 sessions you will feel the difference, in 20 sessions you will see the difference, and in 30 you will have a new body."  Joe Pilates

“In 10 sessions you will feel the difference, in 20 sessions you will see the difference, and in 30 you will have a new body."  Joe Pilates

Making Habits Breaking Habits


I heard this author on the radio the other morning.  It sounds like it could be the perfect book to help with those New Year Resolutions.  According to him, over 50% of what we do every day is habit. I had never thought about it.... turning on lights, looking before we cross the street, seat belts, etc.  After his talk, I was thankful that habits are so powerful.   I previously only thought of habits with a negative connotation.  One thing he did say was ...instead of thinking I want to lose weight this year and eat healthy, you could make it more implementable.... when I feel hungry between meals, I will eat an apple.  


Embrace the power of habits.  Let them work to your advantage.  I'll let you know if I read the book.  Its on the list!  Happy Sunday!  Make it a great week!



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