When I learned of the exciting changes with the Studio I could not
help but smile. "Happy Tree Pilates", is quite befitting of the organization that you have established. Twenty one years in the dental profession had taken a horrendous toll on my body. I was forty nine (49) years old, and my body ached all night. Initially, I tried traditional weight training with a personal trainer. I did not achieve weight loss and my body did not feel better. I also did not feel inspired to stay with it. I then decided to try to find a Yoga studio for relaxation. I attended a class at a fitness center near my home, but left feeling more awkward than agile; there was no sense of inner peace, no energizing of the spirit, no calming of the mind. I just left feeling clumsy and HOT. This is when I ran across an article comparing and contrasting the benefits of Yoga and Pilates. My goal was to find a place where I could have a private setting so that I didn't feel so awkward. My search led me to Murphy Pilates Studio/Pilates with Kelly. I came to you blind not knowing what to expect. The first session seemed fairly easy, so I returned a few more times. Kelly you were encouraging and pleasant and I enjoyed "visiting" with you during my therapy. But what happened after my first session is what is so amazing... I began to feel better at night.... I also began to think about my breathing and my posture throughout my day at work...I then felt an urge to begin walking in the morning before work ( I had always dreaded exercise). There had been an awakening of my body. Because of you and your concepts, I am more in touch with the balance that I believe I should feel. I smile more, I walk better, and my friends and family think I look great!. I now sleep at night; the aching is gone. I reached my goal size, dropping two sizes. With your encouragement/support I've made positive changes in my eating patterns. I am so happy to have met you along my journey to a better me, and I thank you and Joseph Pilates for your assistance in my transformation. You have assisted me in defining my new mantra toward life and that is, " My tree is not defined by yours, it is my tree and it's the best that my tree can be"! Good luck in your new venture with Happy Tree Pilates, and I look forward to seeing you soon.